2025 Auction Procurement
We invite your company to give an in-kind donation of an item and/or a service to our auction which will help us reach our fundraising goals and build a world where no child is limited by hearing loss.
Download our 2025 Starlight Gala Procurement Package and Form (PDF) that specifies details about this event's procurement opportunities. If you would like to make an in-kind donation of goods or items, please fill out our form and then email our Development Coordinator, Latife Lacin, at latifel@listenandtalk.org and she'll be able to assist you with the process.
We accept goods and/or services that best showcase your company or business to be accompanied by any relevant marketing material that will be shared with the winner(s). Any gift certificates with an expiration date should be valid for a minimum of one year from the date of the auction (March 15, 2025) through March 15, 2026.
Your company will gain the opportunity of a lifetime to have your brand promoted in front of our guests who live, work and play across the Puget Sound. We will feature your company in our auction event program, on our website and social media channels in addition to your company’s name being prominently printed on our event item display(s).
Please complete the enclosed auction procurement form and return it back to us in person, by mail, email or fax by February 24, 2025 in order to have your donation(s) included in our auction. The value of your in-kind donation may be tax-deductible as allowed by law. Listen and Talk is a 501(c)(3) organization with Tax ID #91-1728129.
Thank you, and we look forward to partnering with your organization!